B2B executive communications

Six Sells is a B2B communications agency for senior executives.

Our directors, Karen and Mike, have a combined 60 years of marketing, sales and business development experience within media, advertising, adtech and consulting businesses.

Today we're 100% focused on helping the senior commercial executives who lead these businesses to talk to more of the right people, more often, using personable content that they publish on their social media profiles.

This people-shaped content strategy enables brands to grow awareness, familiarity, trust and interest in their products and services by increasing the quality and quantity of touchpoints between seller and buyer.

People-shaped communications:

On social media, people pay far more attention to the personable content of other people than they do to the corporate content published by a company page, yet 99% of B2B comms is done exclusively via company pages.

The solution?

Our team work with your leadership team to define your target audiences, the messages you wish to deliver to each of those target audiences, and then identify the people within your business who are best placed to lead the communication of each of those topics, to each of those audiences.

We produce personable, organic content with your people, and then use paid advertising to boost that organic content directly into the newsfeeds of the people that matter the most to you.

Email hello@sixsells.co.uk for more details.

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image of people working on social campaigns using mobile devices

A word from our clients

“Since working with Six Sells I have seen a 1,045% increase in comments, a 534% increase in views, and a 633% increase in likes on my LinkedIn posts … brilliant!”
”Mike is a very knowledgable professional and produces transformational work. His style to training and the way he creates bespoke content is astounding. I would highly recommend him.”
"I would highly recommend that anybody in a client-facing role takes the LinkedIn networking training that Mike and the team at Six Sells offer - it has revolutionised the way I use the platform. As one example, I managed to win a six-figure client deal, with a large technology company, by following the Six Sells identify, connect and engage model. What's even better is there is no connect-and-cold-pitch nonsense!"
“Put simply, Mike and Six Sells is the reason I’m hooked on people marketing and LinkedIn. He’s revolutionised my thinking of this platform and also helped to refine how I approach new business opportunities. Not only that but I’ve seen tangible results within weeks of following his guidance. I couldn’t recommend his training methods enough.”
“Mike worked closely with each member of the team to personalise their approach and help them develop their client communication strategy generating almost instant results. By using the tools and tactics Mike introduced us to, we quickly opened up new customers who hadn’t worked with us before. Even in the short time we’ve been working with Mike the results from one client alone has generated revenue several times higher than the initial investment, representing an ROI that every marketeer would be delighted with.”
“We all loved working with Six Sells, valued their deep industry insights and clever below the line initiatives. Mike and team created a bespoke "communications in a box" solution for us that we rolled out across all our markets and external facing teams. While we could not directly measure ROI, we believe the impact of Six Sell's work has been huge and invaluable taking our solution, team and company to front of mind of many media execs.”